WeFaa Business Committees


WeFaa Business Committees

The World Economic Forum For Asia-Africa (WeFaa) has created the following business & industry sector-wise Global Committees, which shall discuss and advice to the Global President of WeFaa, and Executive Committee of WeFaa, to explores the various approaches of business & industry and economics of Asia and African Nations and other World, and then present to a plenary meeting of the Executive Committee draft resolutions and decisions for consideration. The Global President of the WeFaa shall be Chairman of all Committees, or Global President nominate any one to chair the meeting of the Committees.

The Following Committees are :

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GEFAC - Global Economic & Financial Affairs Committee

IBTC - International Business & Trade Committee

GIBFC - Global Islamic Banking & Finance Committee

GBFIC - Global Banking, Finance & Insurance Committee

SIBPOC - Strategic International Business Partnership Opportunities Committee

GCCC - Global CEO Club Committee

NCCC - National Chamber Coordination Committee (Asia & African Nations)

NCCCN - National Chamber Coordination Committee (Non Asia & African Nations)

ITFC - International Trade & Fair Committee

IOC - International Organizations Committee

GECCPC - Global Environment and Climate Change Prevention Committee

IGCIC - International Green Commerce & Industry Committee

IBEC - International Bio-Ethics Committee

IDAC - International Diplomatic Affairs Committee

ITAC - International Technical Affairs Committee

IDPC - International Development and Promotion Committee

ILAC - International Legal Affairs Committee

IPPC - International Public Policy Committee

GSMEC - Global SME Committee (Small and Medium Enterprises)

GHC - Global Halal Committee

IWEAC - International Women Entrepreneur Affairs Committee

IYEAC - International Youth Entrepreneur Affairs Committee

IGAC - International Goodwill Ambassador Committee

ICDC - International Community Development Committee

GMAC - Global Marketing Affairs Committee

IMSC - International Membership Services Committee

ISHC - International Social & Humanitarian Committee

IMAC - International Media Affairs Committee

Committees of WeFaa - The WeFaa has created the following business & industry sector-wise Committees, which shall discuss and advice to the President of WeFaa, and Executive Committee of WeFaa, to explores the various approaches of business & industry and economics of Asia and African Nations and other World, and then present to a plenary meeting of the Executive Committee draft resolutions and decisions for consideration.


(Internal Committee)

ITC - IT & Technology Committee

Sub-Committees of WeFaa - The WeFaa has created the following business & industry sector-wise Committees, which shall discuss and advice to the Executive Director of WeFaa, to explores the various approaches of Technological Development of the Chamber of the Worl.