Global President's Message


Founding Global President's Message to Asia and Africa and the World

Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI

Global President's Message Dear All,

The World Economic Forum For Asia-Africa (WeFaa) welcomes you to join our global chamber and benefit from our selection of activities, information and services.

Since 2022, World Economic Forum For Asia-Africa (WeFaa) has been the premier supranational platform for global business networking. Our members find in WeFaa an ideal forum to develop global business partnerships and promote global business activities.

For nearly few months WeFaa has reached group over 40 national and local chambers of commerce and industry, and hundreds of business associations, business enterprises, and individual business leaders (women/men) in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East with the objectives of:

• Promoting the vital role of business leaders (women/men) in Asia and African Nations, and other World.
• Increasing Asia, and African Nations, and other World business activities.
• Enhancing Asia, and African Nations, and other World economic growth.

By leveraging our global network of chambers of commerce and Industry in the Asia, and African Nations, and other World region, WeFaa reaches thousands of enterprises, from SMEs to large conglomerates in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

By working in conjunction with our members, WeFaa promotes global business networking and cooperation, disseminates relevant business information and jointly advocates for our members’ benefit, thus allowing WeFaa to become the Premier Business Network in the Asia, and African Nations, and other World region.

Let’s have a look at a glance of the economy Nationally and Internationally.

The world economy is experiencing stream of continuous changes in order to integrate itself to achieve the desired objective of economic globalization for growth and prosperity for all, irrespective of regions. Trends in economic policies in both developed and developing countries have been greatly influenced by globalization and as a matter of fact, trade liberalization has become its main impulse.

There exist powerful technical, economic and political forces that would render the world economy even more globalized in the future than today. There is little scope for the world to turn back from this process.

Many economic powerhouses are emerging and as a result the relative economic power of states is progressively shifting. All the countries, particularly signatories of WTO document, are taking note of these significant changes and assessing the standing of their respective economies and implications on their citizens, their culture and life styles. No doubt, stakes are enormous, yet unprecedented sets of opportunities and challenges have been created.

The increased opportunities also have created additional risks like precipitating financial instability. The global economy has suffered several costly financial crisis over the last decade like East Asian economic crisis. Plunging assets, major bouts of exchange, market volatility, crisis in emerging markets and collapse of several major financial institutions in both developed and emerging markets, and on-going severe economic crises in some of the South American countries underscore the major weakness of the globalization process.

The globalization of economies thus poses challenges both for the developed and developing world. Asia, and African Nations and Middle East etc., itself has been confronting a multitude of global challenges, both internal and external. The impact of globalization has generated some kind of governmental, social and ethical pressure on the business sector in most countries that have embraced trade liberalization to regulate itself with due diligence, accountability and transparency.

The WeFaa, International Chamber of the Asia & Africa based World Economic Forum For Asia-Africa (WeFaa), the world business organization, in particular plays a proactive role in safeguarding the interest of the domestic & international producers and business but not at the cost of the consumers.

WeFaa since its inception in 2016, has been playing lead role in the development and the growth of external trade and investment of the Asia, and African Nations and Middle East etc., and other World. The National Branches/Chapters, National Directors of WeFaa works closely with the Government and major trade bodies of the Country in reforming regulations to modernize business sector.

The National Branches/Chapters of WeFaa from the very beginning has been playing a pioneering role by arranging international conferences, seminars, workshops, dialogue for professionals of banks, non-banking financial institutions, insurance companies, multinational and national companies, trade bodies and global business houses for improving their expertise and keep abreast with latest tools in dealing developing their technical capabilities in dealing with various trade and investment issues.

May I, therefore, take this opportunity to request all concerned to help us in this direction by providing intellectual inputs to the website as well as their contribution to WeFaa. I invite you to come and join us in our pace-setting endeavour in the changed scenario of world business.

Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI
Global President - WeFaa


World Economic Forum Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI - With more than 15 years experience of leading consumer-based own many companies in an entrepreneurial ship role; Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI oversees the day-to-day operations of deferent departments in his own many group of companies and organizations. Prior to PrimieX Logistics Pvt. Ltd Dr.ANSARI founded and served as CMD of ISE Cards India Limited,, CMD of Buktel Communications Private Limited, CMD of MD of Edughar Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd CMD of Meraj Realty Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd, Vice President - United Students Associations Inc,USA, and CEO of The Meraj Distributors, Dr. ANSARI is serving as President - International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC, President-International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum-INPPRF, President-International Yoga Committee -IYC , National President-Indian Non-Olympic Association-INOA, National President-Floorball Federation of India-FFI and good relation with world sports leaders and also with governments, public institutions and corporations, and private individuals on a worldwide, Dr. ANSARI also serving as Chairman of Indian Textiles & Handicrafts Exports Promotion Organizations-ITHEPO, and under his leadership, the company/organizations made the several achievements in the country as well as International level.

Dr. ANSARI has had a distinguished career at Lucknow, an international business firm that has good infrastructure an extensive global network in all over the world. Dr. ANSARI maintains a wide-ranging personal network of contacts and is very well informed about current trends in globalization and major issues on Business Industry as well as Global Peace & Social Interests. Dr. ANSARI has gained and set an understanding to give new height of IT & Hospitality, Textiles Business & Industry by using all technology and innovations, and man power utilization. Dr. ANSARI has been awarded many National & International Awards "Prakrati Ratna Award-2004", "Acharya Vishnugupt "Charakkaya" Manavadhikar Award-2006","International Who's Who of Professional Award-2007-2008" by the International Who's Who Historical Society, USA, Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI Rector of INOU & President of INOC has awarded "Golden European Award For Quality & Business Prestige-2016, by “WORLD BUSINESS ASSEMBLY, SPAIN. "Manager of the Year’ medal 2016 by Socrates Almanac Editorial Board, Oxford, London UK. "Best Enterprise Award 2016 by by Socrates Almanac Editorial Board, Oxford, London, UK. "Distinguish Achievement Award & Medal in Global Education by The Russian Federation 25th Anniversary Medal of ends of Afghanistan War. 2016

Global President of WeFaa

The Global President of the WeFaa's Profile :-

Global President
World Economic Forum
Dr.Mohammad Seraj ANSARI


  • I Prof. Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has distinguished career at Lucknow, an international business & social expertise that has good infrastructure an extensive global network in all over the world. As a Founder & President - International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC ( & President-International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum-INPPRF ( and Vice Chancellor of International Non-Olympic University – INOU ( and good relation with world sports leaders and also with governments, royal family members, public institutions and corporations, and private individuals on a worldwide basis. I maintains a wide-ranging personal network of contacts and is very well informed about current trends in globalization and major issues of the world
    International Non-Olympic Committee (Founder and President)
    Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became founder and President of INTERNATIONAL NON-OLYMPIC COMMITTEE-(INOC), The INOC is the world second largest Sports body after “Olympic” The Non-Olympic mission has been created by me and India is became founder of the world second highest sports governing body, which is controlling all Non-Olympic sports worldwide. (

    International Non-Olympic University (Vice-Chancellor)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became founder of International Non-Olympic University- (INOU), The INOU is acting as "World 1st Mega University" (A Mega University itself establishing an University in each country of the World, with the aim of “One World !! One Education!!” This is the first concept in the history of the World Education). The International Non-Olympic University - INOU would set-up a National Non-Olympic University (Online & Regular) under prevailing University Recognition Act of respective country, The INOU’s new endeavor has been appreciated by the leaders of the world, The H.E. Secretary General-United Nations (UN), H.E. The Secretary General-Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), The H.E. President-European Council (EU), H.E. President of Ireland, Hon’ble Prime Minister of Ireland , Hon’ble Prime Minister of Norway, Hon’ble Prime Minister of Singapore , Hon’ble Prime Minister of Hungary, H.E. Governors of India, and Ministers etc., several leaders have sent best wishes for grand success of new educational approach to the new world. Can view few comments; (

    International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum (President)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became President of INTERNATIONAL NOBEL PEACE PRIZE RECOMMENDATION FORUM-(INPPRF), The INPPRF is the only International movement and came into forced to support the Nobel Foundation and it's Committees worldwide as well as all World Peace Movements/International Sports Organizations. Inspired by the mission of the Nobel Foundation "Nobel Peace Prize", the International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum was created in 2004 with the practical support by the International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC. (

    World Council for Regular and Distance Education (President)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became President of WORLD COUNCIL FOR REGULAR & DISTANCE EDUCATION-WCRDE, The WCRDE is the non-profit international membership organization for the regular, open and distance education community, and is open to all educational institutions, educational universities, educational authorities, and individuals. WCRDE has a partner status with International Student Exchange Cards India Limited. WCRDE main aim is to promote distance education throughout the world and use of new idea and innovation. (

    World Sports Karate Federation (President)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became President of WORLD SPORTS KARATE FEDERATION-WSKF, The WSKF is the international Governing Body for Sports Karate, the World Sports Karate Federation (WSKF) will lead by promoting the game as a world sport, protecting the spirit of the game i.e. Sports-Karate and optimizing commercial opportunities for the benefits of the game and all non-olympic sports worldwide. (

    International Super-Cricket Committee (Chairman)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became Chairman of INTERNATIONAL SUPER-CRICKET COMMITTEE -ISCC, The ISCC is the International Governing Body for Super-Cricket, the International Super-Cricket Committee will lead by promoting the game as a world sport, protecting the spirit of the game i.e. super-cricket and optimizing commercial opportunities for the benefits of the game and all non-olympic sports worldwide. (

    International Yoga Committee -IYC (President)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became President of INTERNATIONAL YOGA COMMITTEE –IYC, The IYC is the international Governing Body for Yoga Sport, the International Yoga Committee-IYC will lead by promoting the game as a world sport, protecting the spirit of the game i.e. Yoga Sports and optimizing commercial opportunities for the benefits of the game and all non-olympic sports worldwide. (

    National Brand Awards Committee -NBA (President)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became President of National Brand Awards Committee –NBA. The National Brand Awards have been created by "International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum -INPPRF" and "International Non-Olympic University -INOU" jointly under the legal control of "International Non-Olympic Committee -INOC" only in view of encouraging the Star Companies, Royal Star Companies and Royal Legend and Individuals around the World to support downtrodden peoples by sponsoring these above projects to help them to be independent and encourage them to contribute his/her life for building the World for Global Peace and Integrity of the World, instead of they depend on us. (

    Quality Factor -QF (Chairman & Chief Executive Officer)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Quality Factor –QF. The Quality Factor (QF) of an academic journal is to measure quality in that journal. It is commonly used as a representation for the significance of a journal within its field, with journals with higher Quality Factors considered to be more important than those with lower ones. The Quality Factor was planned by Professor Dr. Mohemmed Seraj ANSARI (President of International Non-Olympic Committee) & Concept was taken from Q Factor originated with K.S. Johnson of Western Electric Company's Engineering Department. Quality Factor calculated yearly for those journals that are indexed in the Journal Quality Factor Reports. ( )

    UN-WHF Blue Berets (UN Peacekeeping Force) (GENERAL 3 Stars)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became GENERAL (Rank / class: THREE STARS GENERAL EU-PKF-IPLU. (


    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has became President & Chairman of following organization to promote Non-Olympic Brand thought-out the world.

    1. Indian Non-Olympic Associate-INOA (http://
    2. Association of Sports Karate India-ASKI (
    3. Indian Super-Cricket Federation-ISCF (
    4. All India Shorinji-Ryu Karate Federation-AISKF (
    5. Floorball Federation of India-FFI (
    6. Indian Momin Ansar Weavers Council- IMAWC
    7. Indian Textiles & Handicraft Exports Promotion Organization (ITHEPO) ( )
    8. All India Momin Ansar Welfare Society-(AIMAWS)


    Non-Olympic Times (Editor-in-Chief)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has created quarterly publication and become a Editor-in-Chief for NON-OLYMPIC TIMES - NOT, The NOT is the world largest Sports news paper and acting as a International Publication company which supports all education field professionals. ( ).

    Journal of Management and Science (Editor-in-Chief)
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has become a Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Management and Science-JMS, Journal of Management and Science-JMS is an international, free-access, printed / online quarterly journal published in English. The aim of JMS is to publish original articles and review papers without delay in all fields of Management and Science. ( ).


    AMNESTY INTERANTIONAL-LONDON-UK (International Member) Elected 2011 )
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has involved in social activities and supported Amnesty International. He raised the voice for young youths and for all minority communities. (, Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI has got elected by 1st General Election of Amnesty International, over 200 countries have voted, and won highest votes amongst 4 got elected from the world.


    2013 Doctorate in Physical Education under West Coast University of Panama, Major Field as Martial Arts.


    • Received “Prakrati Ratna Award-2004”
    • Received “Acharya Vishnugupt “Charakkaya” Manavadhikar Award-2006”
    • Received “International Who's Who Historical Society (Top Professional of the World) Award-2007”
    • Received “Golden European Award For Quality & Business Prestige-2016, by “WORLD BUSINESS ASSEMBLY, SPAIN.” • Manager of the Year’ medal 2016 by Socrates Almanac Editorial Board, Oxford, London UK.
    • Best Enterprise Award 2016 by by Socrates Almanac Editorial Board, Oxford, London ,UK.
    • Distinguish Achievement Award & Medal in Global Education by The Russian Federation 25th Anniversary Medal of ends of Afghanistan War. 2016
    • Chairman of International Student Exchange Cards Ltd, India (USA)
    • ( , ( )
    • Managing Director of Buktel Communication Private Limited (
    • Managing Director of Meraj Realty & Infrastructures Private Limited (, (
    • CEO of Meraj Distributors (,
    • CMD of PrimeX Logistics Pvt Ltd (
    • Director - R.V.S. Educational Trust - ( )
    • Served as a Board Member of ten non-profit organizations.
    Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI is also holding these global positions : -

    1. Global President-International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC (,
    2. Founder & Rector-International Non-Olympic University-INOU
    3. Global President-World Council For Regular and Distance Education-WCRDE
    ( ,
    4. Global President-International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum-INPPRF
    5. Global President-World Sports Karate Federation-WSKF
    , ( ,
    6. Global Chairman-International Super-Cricket Committee-ISCC
    , ( ,
    7. Global President-International Yoga Committee-IYC
    8. Global President-International Silambam Committee-ISC
    9. Global President-National Brand Awards Committee-NBA
    ( ,
    10. Global Chairman & Chief Executive Officer-Quality Factor -QF
    ( ),
    11. Global Editor-In-Chief-Noble World Records-NWR
    12. Global Editor-In-Chief-Non Olympic Times-NOT
    (, Non-Olympic YouTube Channel
    13. Global President-Indo-OIC Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry-IICCI
    ( )

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    Executive Director to the WeFaa

    Executive Director to the WeFaaIashnar A. Khaiitov
    Executive Director to the WeFaa
    Contact E-mail : [email protected]